Bold your choice

samedi 26 juin 2010

picked here

1. Coca Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper?
2. Cats, dogs, horses, lizards, or hamsters?
3. TV, cinema, computer, iPod, gaming console?
4. Rock, rap, pop, metal, or punk?
5. Black, white, blue, red, or green?
6. Salad, hamburger, ice cream, chips, fruit?
7. Kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school, college(university)?
8. United States, Canada, Australia, France, England, or Ireland? really tough choice, these countries are all beautiful
9. Swimming, fishing, tanning, theme parks, or camping?
10. Snowball fights, snowmen, snow angels, or sledding?
11. English, math, science, history or art? How can I choose between English and art? So hard!
12. Gummy worms, lollipops, chocolate bars, or cotton candy?
13. Xbox 360, Gamecube, Super Nintendo, Handheld? Mario kart double dash for ever <3
14. Facebook, Xanga, Tumblr, YouTube, or Google?
15. Cute guys, tough guys, smart guys, hot guys, or this is dumb?
16. Flats, heels, Uggs, flip flops or skater shoes?
17. Early morning, early afternoon, late afternoon, evening?
18. Bathroom, living room, bed room, kitchen, or attic?
19. Face-to-face, home phone, instant messenger, cell phone?
20. Skinny jeans, flared jeans, capris, shorts, or skirts?
21. T-shirt, hoodies, tank top, tube top, or halter top?
22. McDonald’s, Wendy’s, KFC, Burger King, or Dairy Queen?
23. Car, airplane, train, boat, walking?
24. Coffee, tea, water, milk, or soda?
25. Drama, comedy, horror, action/adventure, or thriller?

Et puis j'ai crée franchement cette ptite chose: november rain qui va me servir comme bordel à photo =) (au cas où ça vous intéresse de faire un ptit tour dessus ^^)

1 petits mots:

Chouky a dit…

Mes réponseses :o) souvent identiques aux tiennes! :o)

1. Coca Cola
2. Dogs
3. computer
4. pop
5. blue or red
6. chips
7. Kindergarten (je suis restée bloquée à cet âge mental-là ^^)
8. France, je ne m'en lasserai jamais! Tant de beautés à voir dans un pays si proche du mien :o)
9. Swimming
10. snowmen
11. English and art for me too! ^^
12. Gummy worms
13. Nothing for me
14. Google
15. smart guys
16. flip flops
17. evening
18. kitchen
19. Face-to-face
20. shorts
21. T-shirt
22. McDonald’s
23. Car
24. 1 Coffee (morning), water (all the day) and wine (evening)
25. comedy and action/adventure

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